VBA Course: Properties

We will now act on the content and appearance of cells and sheets.

Start by opening the editor, add a module, copy the macro below and associate it with a form button (refer to the selections page if needed):

Sub properties()

    'Incomplete macro

End Sub

We want to perform an action on cell A8 with this start of the macro.

To display the list of possibilities that can be associated with the Range object, add a . after Range("A8"):

list properties

The editor then displays the different possibilities...

For this first example, click on Value and then press the Tab key to validate this choice:

Sub properties()

    'Incomplete macro

End Sub

The Value property here represents the content of the cell.

We now want to give the value 48 to cell A8:

Sub properties()

    'Cell A8 = 48
    Range("A8").Value = 48
    'The value of cell A8 is now: 48

End Sub

Then, the value Text example to A8 (the text must be put between " "):

Sub properties()

    'Cell A8 = Text example
    Range("A8").Value = "Text example"

End Sub

In this case, it is indeed cell A8 of the sheet where the procedure is launched (here, the one where the form button is located) that will be modified.

If you create a second button on sheet 2, it will be cell A8 of sheet 2 that will be modified.

To modify cell A8 of sheet 2 by clicking on the button of sheet 1, you must specify the name of the sheet by adding Sheets("Sheet_name") before Range:

Sub properties()

    'Cell A8 of sheet 2 = Text example
    Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A8").Value = "Text example"

End Sub

Similarly, if you want to modify cell A8 of sheet 2 of another open workbook, you must specify the name of the workbook at the beginning of the line using Workbooks("File_name"):

Sub properties()

    'Cell A8 of sheet 2 of workbook 2 = Text example
    Workbooks("Book2.xlsx").Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A8").Value = "Text example"

End Sub

Although Value was used to illustrate these different examples, it is not necessary to indicate it, as it is automatically the value of the cell that is modified if nothing is specified.

These 2 lines generate an identical result:

Range("A8").Value = 48
Range("A8") = 48

Text Formatting

After selecting the Font property and adding a ., the list of properties that can be assigned to text formatting appears:

list3 properties

Color modification will be detailed on the next page...

Formatting: text size

Sub properties()

    'Change the text size of cells A1 to A8
    Range("A1:A8").Font.Size = 18

End Sub

Formatting: bold text

Sub properties()

    'Bold the cells A1 to A8
    Range("A1:A8").Font.Bold = True

End Sub

Bold = True means Bold characters = Yes.

To remove the Bold formatting from a text, replace Yes with No, in other words, True with False:

Sub properties()

    'Remove "Bold" formatting from cells A1 to A8
    Range("A1:A8").Font.Bold = False

End Sub

Formatting: italic text

Sub properties()

    'Italicize cells A1 to A8
    Range("A1:A8").Font.Italic = True

End Sub

Formatting: underlined text

Sub properties()

    'Underline cells A1 to A8
    Range("A1:A8").Font.Underline = True

End Sub

Formatting: font

Sub properties()

    'Change the font of cells A1 to A8
    Range("A1:A8").Font.Name = "Arial"

End Sub

Add borders

list4 properties
Sub properties()

    'Add a border to cells A1 to A8
    Range("A1:A8").Borders.Value = 1

    'Value = 0: no border

End Sub

Modify the formatting of the current selection

Sub properties()

    'Add a border to selected cells
    Selection.Borders.Value = 1

End Sub

Modify the properties of a sheet

Sub properties()

    'Hide a sheet
    Sheets("Sheet3").Visible = 2

    'Visible = -1: display the sheet

End Sub
Don't forget that only a very small part of the customization possibilities are indicated here. If the property you need is not detailed on this page, don't be afraid to use the macro recorder to save you long searches (by recording the manipulation you need, you can more easily find the property you are looking for to then use it in your macro).

Modify the value of a cell based on another

value properties

The goal here is for A7 to take the value of A1, which gives us:

Sub properties()

    'A7 = A1
    Range("A7") = Range("A1")

    'Range("A7").Value = Range("A1").Value

End Sub

Or to copy the text size, for example:

Sub properties()

    Range("A7").Font.Size = Range("A1").Font.Size

End Sub
What is on the left of the = takes the value of what is on the right of the =.

Modify the value of a cell based on its own value

We will now create a click counter here.

With each click, the value of A1 will be increased by 1:

Sub properties()

    'Click counter in A1
    Range("A1") = Range("A1") + 1

End Sub

This line should not be interpreted as a mathematical operation (remember that what is on the left of the = takes the value of what is on the right of the =).

Excel executes the code line by line respecting certain priorities, these comments should help you understand this code better:

'For this example: A1 is worth 10 before the code execution

Sub properties()

    'A click has been made on the button, we enter the procedure
    'For the moment A1 is still worth 10
    'During the execution of the line below:
    '- the value to the right of the = is calculated first (A1 is still worth 10, this gives 10 + 1)
    '- after calculation, the value to the right of the = is therefore 11
    '- A1 then takes the value to the right of the = (or the value 11)
    Range("A1") = Range("A1") + 1

    'A1 is then worth 11 only after the execution of the line of code
End Sub


This code allows you to define different properties for cell A8 of sheet 2:

Sub properties()

    Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A8").Borders.Weight = 3
    Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A8").Font.Bold = True
    Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A8").Font.Size = 18
    Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A8").Font.Italic = True
    Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A8").Font.Name = "Arial"

End Sub

We can use With to avoid repeating Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A8"):

Sub properties()

    'Start of the instruction with: With
    With Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A8")
        .Borders.Weight = 3
        .Font.Bold = True
        .Font.Size = 18
        .Font.Italic = True
        .Font.Name = "Arial"
    'End of the instruction with: End With
    End With

End Sub

Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A8") is therefore no longer repeated.

Although it is not essential in this case, it is also possible to do the same for .Font, which would give us:

Sub properties()

    With Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A8")
        .Borders.Weight = 3
        With .Font
            .Bold = True
            .Size = 18
            .Italic = True
            .Name = "Arial"
        End With
    End With

End Sub