VBA Function: InStr

The VBA InStr function returns an integer value corresponding to the first position of a value found within a string (or the value 0 if no match is found).


InStr(start_num, text, value)


InStr(start_num, text, value, compare)

Examples of Usage

Using the InStr function to determine the position of the word excel (starting the search from character 1 of the text):

Sub example()
    website = "www.excel-pratique.com"
    'Position of "excel" in the website
    number = InStr(1, website, "excel")
    MsgBox number 'Returns: 5
End Sub

Using the InStr function to determine the position of the word EXCEL (adding the value 1 as the fourth argument to ignore case):

Sub example()
    website = "www.excel-pratique.com"
    'Position of "EXCEL" in the website (ignoring case)
    number = InStr(1, website, "EXCEL", 1)
    MsgBox number 'Returns: 5
End Sub

Checking if a Text Contains a Value

The InStr function can also be used to determine whether the text contains the searched string or not:

Sub example()
    website = "www.excel-pratique.com"
    If InStr(1, website, "excel") > 0 Then
        MsgBox "Yes!"
    End If
End Sub

In this example, if a position is found, a number greater than 0 is returned by the function and the message box is displayed.