VBA Function: IsEmpty

The VBA IsEmpty function returns False if the variable has been initialized or True if it has not.



Example of Usage

The IsEmpty function checks if the variable hello has been initialized or not to avoid displaying the message multiple times on the screen:

Public hello

'Procedure that says hello only once
Sub sayHello()
    If IsEmpty(hello) Then
        MsgBox "Hello ;-)"
        hello = 1
    End If
End Sub

'Examples of calling the procedure
Sub example()
    sayHello 'Result: displays the message
    sayHello 'Result: does not display the message
    sayHello 'Result: does not display the message

End Sub

If needed, it is possible to assign the value Empty back to the variable:

'Examples of calling the procedure
Sub example()
    sayHello 'Result: displays the message
    sayHello 'Result: does not display the message
    hello = Empty
    sayHello 'Result: displays the message

End Sub