Retrieve Conditional Formatting Color with an Excel Function

Retrieving the color of a conditional formatting using a function in an Excel sheet is not possible in principle, but there is a workaround...

The function detailed here will allow you to retrieve the color of a cell using a simple formula =COLOR(A1).

The COLOR Function

To use the COLOR function in a sheet, simply copy and paste this code into a module:

Function COLOR(cell As Range)

    COLOR = Evaluate("cellColor('" & cell.Worksheet.Name & "'!" & cell.Address & ")")
End Function

Private Function cellColor(cell As Range)

    cellColor = cell.DisplayFormat.Interior.Color
End Function
conditional formatting color excel function

Another version is also available:

Function COLOR(cell As Range)

    COLOR = Evaluate("cellColor(""" & cell.Address & """,""" & cell.Worksheet.Name & """)")
End Function

Private Function cellColor(cell As String, sheet As String)

    cellColor = Sheets(sheet).Range(cell).DisplayFormat.Interior.Color
End Function
If needed, you can download the Excel file used here: conditional-formatting-color-excel-function.xlsm