Simplify Conditions in VBA

This page brings together several examples of simplifications that you can apply when writing your VBA code involving conditions.

If you think the following line is not valid in VBA, these examples should interest you!

result = text1 = text2

Simple Condition

This first condition here returns Yes if the value is True:

Sub example()

    value = True

    If value = True Then
        MsgBox "Yes"
    End If

End Sub

In a condition, it is unnecessary to specify = True because the condition already seeks to determine if the condition is true:

Sub example()

    value = True

    If value Then
        MsgBox "Yes"
    End If

End Sub

If the If condition is on a single line, you don't need to add End If at the end:

Sub example()

    value = True

    If value Then MsgBox "Yes"

End Sub

Assigning True or False to a Variable

This new condition is used here to assign the value True to the variable result if the two texts are identical, or False if they are not:

Sub example()

    text1 = "XLP"
    text2 = "XLP"
    If text1 = text2 Then
        result = True
        result = False
    End If

End Sub

This condition can be shortened using the IIf function, which returns one value or another based on a condition:

Sub example()

    text1 = "XLP"
    text2 = "XLP"
    result = IIf(text1 = text2, True, False)

End Sub

But when the IIf function returns the values True and False, it becomes redundant because the test text1 = text2 already returns True or False:

Sub example()

    text1 = "XLP"
    text2 = "XLP"
    result = (text1 = text2)

End Sub

This line can be further simplified by removing the unnecessary parentheses:

Sub example()

    text1 = "XLP"
    text2 = "XLP"
    result = text1 = text2

End Sub

Another example with a test that needs to determine if the values are different:

Sub example()

    text1 = "XLP"
    text2 = "XLP"
    differences = text1 <> text2

End Sub

True, False, 1, 0

In a condition, the test = 1 is equivalent to = True, but other values can also evaluate to True.

The following conditions are all true:

Sub example()
    value = True
    If value Then MsgBox "TRUE"
    value = 1
    If value Then MsgBox "TRUE"
    value = 5
    If value Then MsgBox "TRUE"
    value = -5
    If value Then MsgBox "TRUE"
    value = "10"
    If value Then MsgBox "TRUE"

End Sub

Conversely, the values 0, "0", and "" evaluate positively to the = False test.