VBA Function: DateAdd

The VBA function DateAdd adds the specified time interval (in seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, or years) to a date.


DateAdd(interval, number, date)

Example of Usage

Using the DateAdd function with different time intervals:

Sub example()

    myDate = #10/30/2024 3:35:45 PM#

    added = 3

    'Add 3 days
    MsgBox DateAdd("d", added, myDate) 'Returns: 11/2/2024 3:35:45 PM

    'Add 3 hours
    MsgBox DateAdd("h", added, myDate) 'Returns: 10/30/2024 6:35:45 PM

    'Add 3 minutes
    MsgBox DateAdd("n", added, myDate) 'Returns: 10/30/2024 3:38:45 PM

    'Add 3 seconds
    MsgBox DateAdd("s", added, myDate) 'Returns: 10/30/2024 3:35:48 PM

    'Add 3 months
    MsgBox DateAdd("m", added, myDate) 'Returns: 1/30/2025 3:35:45 PM

    'Add 3 years
    MsgBox DateAdd("yyyy", added, myDate) 'Returns: 10/30/2027 3:35:45 PM

End Sub
If you enter the number 3.9 instead of 3, you will get the same result because the DateAdd function only considers the integer part of the number.

An alternative is to directly add the number to the date (this solution allows for decimal numbers):

Sub example()

    myDate = #10/30/2024 3:00:00 PM#

    added = 3.5

    'Add 3.5 days
    MsgBox myDate + added  'Returns: 11/3/2024 3:00:00 AM

    'Add 3.5 hours
    MsgBox myDate + added / 24  'Returns: 10/30/2024 6:30:00 PM

    'Add 3.5 minutes
    MsgBox myDate + added / (24 * 60)  'Returns: 10/30/2024 3:03:30 PM

End Sub