VBA Functions: Hour, Minute, and Second

The VBA functions Hour, Minute, and Second return an integer corresponding to the hour, minute, or second of the specified date or time.





Example of Usage

Using the Hour, Minute, and Second functions to retrieve corresponding information from a time:

Sub example()

    myTime = #6:36:45 PM#

    MsgBox Hour(myTime) 'Returns: 18
    MsgBox Minute(myTime) 'Returns: 36
    MsgBox Second(myTime) 'Returns: 45

End Sub

Or based on a date and time (for the same result):

Sub example()

    myDateTime = #10/31/2024 6:36:45 PM#

    MsgBox Hour(myDateTime) 'Returns: 18
    MsgBox Minute(myDateTime) 'Returns: 36
    MsgBox Second(myDateTime) 'Returns: 45

End Sub

These functions also accept date and time strings:

Sub example()

    myDateTime = "10/31/2024 18:36:45"

    MsgBox Hour(myDateTime) 'Returns: 18
    MsgBox Minute(myDateTime) 'Returns: 36
    MsgBox Second(myDateTime) 'Returns: 45

End Sub