VBA Function: Format

The VBA Format function returns a string based on a date or number in the specified format.


Format(value, format)

Examples of Usage

Using the Format function to return the following values in different formats:

Sub example()

    MsgBox Format(0.9814, "0.0%")

    MsgBox Format(54321.9, "##,##0.00")

    MsgBox Format(54321.9, "$#,##0.00")

End Sub

Using the Format function to return the following date in different formats:

Sub example()
    myDate = #07/27/2024 3:35:45 PM#
    MsgBox Format(myDate, "mm/dd/yy")
    'July 27 2024
    MsgBox Format(myDate, "mmmm d yyyy")
    MsgBox Format(myDate, "dddd")
    '07/27/2024 3:35 PM
    MsgBox Format(myDate, "mm/dd/yyyy h:nn AM/PM")
    'Saturday 27 at 3:35 PM
    MsgBox Format(myDate, "dddd d at h:nn AM/PM")

End Sub

Date Formats

Table of different date formats usable with the Format function:

d8Day (1 to 31)
dd08Day (01 to 31)
dddFriDay of the week (abbreviated)
ddddFridayDay of the week
m1Month (1 to 12)
mm01Month (01 to 12)
mmmJanMonth (abbreviated)
yy24Year (last 2 digits)
h9Hours (0 to 23)
hh09Hours (00 to 23)
n5Minutes (0 to 59)
nn05Minutes (00 to 59)
s7Seconds (0 to 59)
ss07Seconds (00 to 59)