Excel Training: Saving and Exercise

Saving a workbook

To save your Excel workbook, click on "File" (top left) then on "Save As":

excel save as saving

If you want to save your file to the cloud, click on "OneDrive".

To save it on your PC, click on "This PC":

excel save as pc saving

Then select the target folder.

If the desired save folder is not yet in the list, click on "Browse" (below "This PC").

Although you will generally leave the default extension, Excel offers a multitude of extensions for your file:

excel file formats xlsx xlsm xls saving

Here are the 3 main extensions (highlighted in blue in the image):

Unless you have added macros to your workbook or need to use the file with older versions of Excel (2000-2003), the default extension (XLSX) will be the one that best suits your file.

From there, you can simply click on the following icon to save your file (or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + S):

excel save workbook saving


During this first lesson, you have learned a number of basic manipulations and it is now time to put these skills into practice with a first exercise.

Start by downloading the following file: exercise-1.xlsx

The first sheet of this workbook will look like this:

excel exercise 1 saving

The objective of this exercise is to move the cells containing the words of the different fruits, copy the word "Orange" up to column E, merge the cells B5 to E5, then format all the elements of your sheet in order to get as close as possible to the following target:

excel exercise 1 result saving

If you encounter difficulties, reread the content of this first lesson.